Jej własna Supra

Galerii Nectar Tbilisi, Gruzja, lipca 2014 r.

Jest kampanią, która ma  poruszyć opinię publiczną, przy wykorzystaniu  strategii artystycznej. Kampania jest współpracą gruzińskiej artystyki – Tamar Chabashvili, polskiej antropolożki Agnieszki Dudrak, polskiej artystki wizualnej Elizy Proszczuk i „Niezależnej Grupy Przemocy Ocalonych” związanej z gruzińskim NGO (Anti-Violence Network Gruzji). Głównym celem kampanii jest ukazanie bolesnych doświadczeń codziennego życia gruzińskich kobiet. Kampania nie ma na celu stworzenie wyczerpującego wykazu różnych typów przemocy wobec kobiet, ale raczej wskazanie  różnorodności oraz zachęcanie kobiet do mówienia o tych doświadczeń i ich interpretacji.  Kampania będzie miała formę dzieła sztuki inspirowaną tradycyjną gruzińskim ucztą  „suprą”.


Galerii Nectar Tbilisi, Georgia, July 2014 r.

Supra of Her’s Own is a public awareness campaign that uses artistic strategies. It is a collaboration of Georgian artist – Tamar Chabashvili, Polish anthropologist- Agnieszka Dudrak, Polish artist Eliza Proszczuk and “Independent Group of Domestic Violence Survivors” associated with a Georgian NGO (Anti-Violence Network of Georgia). The main objective of the campaign is to make everyday life painful experiences of Georgian women public. The campaign is not aimed at creating an exhaustive list of different types of gender based violence against women, but rather at pointing at its diversity, and encouraging women to speak about and interpret these experiences themselves. The campaign will take form of an artwork inspired by a traditional Georgian dinner – a supra. Women’s stories will be translated into different toasts and objects. 

Life Is Not All Guns And Roses

Projekt jest rozmową między: kobietami, które doświadczyły przemocy, artystą  i publicznością. Poprzez bajki  tworzone i opowiadane przez kobiety, obserwujemy, jak w subtelny sposób opowiadają o swoich uczuciach, potrzebach i pragnieniach. Dwanaście kobiet, niektóre z nich mieszkanki schroniska dla ofiar przemocy w rodzinie, otrzymały od artystki  jedno zdanie które  miało być pierwszym zdaniem bajki  którą  miały napisać. Większość bajek pośrednio porusza  tematy takie jak ubóstwo, przemoc, samotność, i marzeń.


The project is a conversation between women who experienced violence, the artist and the audience. Through fairy tales created and narrated by women, we observe them speaking in a very subtle way about themselves, their feelings, their needs and desires. Twelve women, some of them inhabitants of a shelter for victims of domestic violence, received one sentence and were invited to write a fairy tale starting with that sentence. Most of the fairy tales indirectly touched on subjects such as poverty, violence, loneliness, and dreams.


There was a person who always cried. There was a girl who grew up in a family with constant fighting and violence. Her parents were always fighting for reasons she could never understand. She was under stress and fear all the time. She feared each morning and each evening; she was afraid that one day, her father would kill her mother. Another reason of her sadness was that she was often told she was ugly. I don’t know if these grown-up people were doing that on purpose or if they just didn’t understand that they were destroying the young girl’s psychology. Over the years, her life didn’t change. She didn’t have the right to express herself, nobody listened to her. So she kept on crying. She felt that only her mother loved her. Years passed, the girl grew up. She had good friends and everybody loved her. She had lots of admirers, but when somebody talked to her about the love between a man and a woman, she thought that these words were fake and that nobody would love her as she was. From her childhood, she kept thinking that she was the ugliest person. Time went on and she got married. She hoped that the marriage would change her life, that she would be a good wife and mother, but life was more complicated than she thought. Her dreams were destroyed in a moment. She suffered a lot of abuse and humiliation. She thought: “Such is life and you should accept it.” But she could no longer endure it. She was always nervous and cried a lot. Why had she been born? Why did this happen to her? What had she done wrong to deserve such punishment? She thought that everything was her fault and that everything was finished. In addition, she had a small boy who was always ill. Her motherheart couldn’t stand it anymore. She was afraid that one day she would lose her only child. She spent days and nights with this fear. Her eyes were always wet. “Why is there no piece of happiness for me?” she thought. She was very unhappy and spent her days crying.

There was a man who did nothing. Who loved to have fun, to enjoy life, to not have to worry about money. He loved it when everything was within reach: cigarettes, food, drinks, but he hated doing anything. In the mornings he was going out to see his friends, to bars. And his pregnant wife was waiting at home. He used to say that he should work, should do something, but these were just empty words. He was a lazy man. Sometimes he didn’t even come home for the night. They argued all the time… because of jealousy, because of shortages. After the arguments he used to promise to change, to start working, to be good to the family, to arrange everything for the baby. but these promises were empty. He didn’t try to do anything. He decided to leave us. Where he is, how he is, with whom he is – we don’t know anything.